After Wolverine, Hugh Jackman is about to play the biblical characters in "The Conversion of Paul", the new film co-produced by Matt Damon and Ben Affleck. The Australian embodies Paul of Tarsus, the main character of the film, and important figure in ancient history: first named Saul, Paul was a tyrannical Pharisee who persecuted the followers of Jesus until he decides convert himself. The man met Jesus on the road to Damascus, he will lose sight after this meeting but find after his baptism. He then apply to spread the Christian faith throughout the Roman Empire before dying a martyr.
The Bible inspires Hugh Jackman and Hollywood :
Hugh Jackman will also co-producer of "The Conversion of Paul". On the screen, it will share the bill with the inseparable Ben Affleck and Matt Damon. The scenario is the work of Matt Cook. As for the director, he has not yet been selected. In any case, one thing is certain: Hollywood loves the Bible remains a great source of inspiration. We remember "Noah" from Darren Aronofsky starring Russell Crowe and more recently "Exodus" Ridley Scott starring Christian Bale in the skin of Moses. Challenging roles for actors in research challenge!
Hugh Jackman is the opportunity to change his tune and interpret more mystical roles, far from the muscular and nasty Wolverine he finally leaves. The last installment of the franchise is also expected LE3 March 2017 we have time to grieve!
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